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Nature Preserve Access

Concordia University Texas owns a 250-acre portion of the regional Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.

The University manages the preserve with the assistance of Travis County Parks and Wildlife. The area is environmentally sensitive and home to two endangered species and several unique geographic features including springs, Karst formations, caves and creeks. This in mind, access to the Concordia Preserve is strictly managed. All access must be approved by Concordia University Texas Preserve Management personnel with several days notice. Access is limited to those participating in research or management projects approved and permitted by Concordia University Texas and Travis County Parks and Wildlife. Those accessing the Concordia Preserve must submit three completed forms prior to entering the preserve: Preserve Access Waiver Form, Preserve Access Contract, and the Preserve Day Trip Form. All of these forms must be completed and submitted to the Facilities Management office no less than three business days prior to entering the Concordia Preserve.

Preserve Access Forms

Preserve Access Waiver Form

All persons accessing the Concordia Preserve must submit a completed Preserve Access Waiver Form (PDF) prior to accessing the preserve. Once the completed form is on file with the Facilities Management office, it does not need to be submitted again for subsequent trips into the Concordia Preserve.

Preserve Access Contract

All persons accessing the Concordia Preserve must submit a completed Preserve Access Contract (PDF) form before accessing the preserve. Once the completed form is on file with the Facilities Management office, it does not need to be submitted again for subsequent trips into the Concordia Preserve.

Preserve Day Trip Form

Only the leader of a group accessing the preserve must submit a completed Preserve Day Trip Form (PDF) before accessing the preserve. This form must be filled out and submitted for every visit to the Concordia Preserve.